In our latest dig, we examine the second impeachment attempt against Donald J. Trump put forth by the U.S. House of Representatives and currently being evaluated by U.S. Senate. Given this article's title, we need to examine what defines a hypocrite and why many people, including myself, despise them.

Why do we despise hypocrites?
Let's start with the root noun hypocrisy. If we search it up on Google, we will quickly find the following:
"The definition of a hypocrite is a person who pretends to have certain beliefs, attitudes, or feelings when they really do not. An example of a hypocrite is a person who says they care about the environment but are constantly littering."
There is an entire science behind why humans naturally despise hypocrites. Ironically, the research shows that we tend to dislike the hypocrite more than the actual liar. In an article from Misirlisoy (2018), “When a person condemns a behavior that they themselves commit (hypocrite), we rate them as significantly worse than a person who says they don’t commit a behavior when they do (liar)” The reason we despise hypocrites more is they operate on two levels of the lie as opposed to one. “Hypocrites are like a special type of liar who puts extra effort into disguising their misbehavior and sending us false signals of moral superiority” (Misirlisoy, 2018).
False Claims for Impeachment
I reviewed many articles, videos, and interviews on the subject of this second impeachment from reputable and reliable news sources. In most, if not all cases, the writer, news anchor, talk show host, or politician either ignores Donald Trump's speech and transcript in its entirety or they pull out one excerpt or word from an entire paragraph and state some lie along the lines "you see he incited the riots from that word or those words right there" The mainstream media is not properly reporting on Trump's tone, delivery or the specific words in his recorded speech and transcript. I would encourage the reader to view the video in its entirety thanks to the Wall Street Journal (2021) and review the transcript of his address, which is available online thanks to the Associated Press (2021). I have provided the links below if you wish to either watch the speech, read it, or both.
Donald Trumps January 6th Complete Speech (Video):
Donald Trumps January 6th Complete Speech (Transcript):
According to House Impeachment Managers, "Because President Trump’s guilt is obvious, he seeks to evade responsibility for inciting the January 6 insurrection by arguing that the Senate lacks jurisdiction to convict officials after they leave the office" (House Judiciary Dems, 2021). I will save the constitutional grounds of this impeachment for another article because I disagree with the House and the Senate's vote to proceed to trial. I have already researched and addressed the fact that the protest scheduled on July 6th was permitted and approved by the US Parks Department, and plans were in place to walk to the Capitol building to protest on both the lawn and stairs in advance of Trump's speech that day. This is why there were Capitol police and barricades in place by the Capitol building already. This was a planned event and demonstration. There were no plans by Trump or his loyal supporters to enter the Capitol building. Please see my other article for more details on the event planning for January 6th (News Digger Research, 2021).
So how is Trump's guilt obvious, according to Democrats? The only thing they have to cling to here are Trump's words in his speech. They have called no eyewitnesses, and they have provided no written or digital materials linking Trump to any plans to enter the Capitol building. You can share a bunch of tweets and interviews with Police in a sham trial. If those messages and interviews were from people who were either activists for hire running a false flag operation or a handful of crazy people, either way, that's not Trump's problem. He didn't command them to do anything. Based on the research I have conducted on the events that day, it was a sprinkling of both, and none of it had to do with the President's speech whatsoever. The people that entered the Capitol planned to do so no matter what.
What happened on January 6th was unfortunate. Do you know what else is sad? The Democrats have said and made far more incendiary comments in public than anything contained in Donald Trump's speech that day. We will get to that and the hypocrisy of this entire circus shortly. I watched the address in its entirety three times. There are two common themes I have seen the media and politicians try to draw from his speech as inciting to riot and or insurrection.
He told them to "March on the Capitol."
He told them to "Fight Like Hell."
Let's examine each from his speech. Search for keywords enter, storm, and attack in the January 6th speech transcript (Associated Press, 2021). You will not find those words. If you search for march, you will find precisely one reference. This is the part of his speech that has been twisted into a lie that keeps being repeated on a 24/7 loop by politicians and the mainstream media.
"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard" (Wall Street Journal, 2021, 15:48-15:58).
Hopefully, we can all agree that peacefully make your voices heard is a horrible way to incite an insurrection. I am kidding, but only a little bit. He never commanded anyone to March; this was part of the planned event in advance. He knew the crowd's agenda because it was publicized online. There were flyers and websites created by the event coordinators who submitted the permit for the demonstration. That is not incitement. It was following an agenda for a planned protest and march. Search for the keyword fight, and you will find it referenced 21 times throughout the speech. In context, in both the video and the transcript, it is used primarily around politicians fighting with each other or fighting for their constituents. Here is an example of one commonly twisted and misquoted excerpt from the speech. The media and politicians will only quote, "And you have to get your people to fight." Let's read the entire portion of the speech.
"And you have to get your people to fight. And if they don’t fight, we have to primary the hell out of the ones that don’t fight. You primary them. We’re going to. We’re going to let you know who they are. I can already tell you, frankly" (Associated Press, 2021).
In context, Trump is said if your Republican leaders are not fighting on your behalf, you need to replace them through the primary election process. This is hardly any instruction to attack the Capitol building or elected officials, nor will you find anything in his speech to that effect.
Search for the keyword hell, and you will find it referenced 15 times. In one instance within Michelle Obama's name. In speech context, the word is used to describe cities' shape and the direction the country is heading in or that someone was put through hell. Trump never connects Fight and Hell anywhere at any time throughout his entire speech. So who does? Democrats do. They are have been known to reference "Fight Like Hell" in public speeches and interviews on television. All politicians use the word fight, and we cannot impeach everyone.
The Hypocrisy of the Democrat Party
I am by no means suggesting that Republicans run a hypocrisy free ship, so please do not assume that based on the subject of this one article alone. I would venture to guess that D.C. is the hypocrite capital of the known universe, and the Republicans play their own role in that distinction at certain times. I peeled apart Trump's words, and now it is time for the Democrats in their own words. Let's look at some Senators and Representatives and their public displays of incitement and anger in their own words. I created four titles based on videos that I watched in quotations.
Maxine "the inciter" - watch
Maxine Waters asked people to get out of their cars and crowd around her opposition. She called upon them to go to their tables in restaurants and tell them that they are not welcome (Roland S. Martin, 2018, 1:06). Her rhetoric makes her look like a lion attacking the gazelle compared with Donald Trump's mild-mannered, barking like a miniature dog speech on January 6th. Trump never asked anyone in the crowd to approach or follow any politician from any party. Maxine Waters thinks she has moral superiority, but she does not.
Biden "the fighter" - watch
Biden "the fighter - Part II" - watch
President Biden has no issue insinuating harm towards Trump as long as was out of sight (CNN, 2016). We also know that he has no qualms about physically beating Trump up (CNN, 2018). Donald Trump has never threatened President Biden in this manner. He also never threatened physical harm to any House or Senate member in his speech on January 6th.
Schumer "the threat maker" - watch
Schumer threatens two Supreme Court judges that they will pay the price in a fiery speech on the courthouse's steps (CNN, 2021).
Cory "the aggressor" - watch
Cory wants his constituents to get in the faces of his opposition. That's pretty aggressive and indeed inciting potential violence (Smooth Media, 2021).
My creative titles in quotations above are somewhat in context or out of context, but that really depends on your view and whether or not you can look at something without bias. You, as the reader, must judge for yourself and watch their videos. Here is my analysis. The Democrats have used words to incite violence and aggression far more often than anything Trump has ever said, but these are the very grounds they are using to attempt to impeach Trump for a second time. They are defacto hypocrites because they all voted to bring impeachment articles to the Senate while ignoring their own flaws and indiscretions.
People who share similar social circles and beliefs tend to agree on their hypocrisy, and that of their peers is acceptable, but people who oppose them cannot be tolerated. This can and has been proven through research and scientific testing. This is what makes me ask the question "Is Every Single House Democrat a Hypocrite?" in this article's title. The party-line vote. Every Democrat in the House of Representatives voted in favor of impeaching Donald J. Trump a second time. The majority of Republicans voted against moving forward with articles of impeachment. Still, ten Republicans in the list (provided below) sided with the Democrat party line. I listed them here just in case you were wondering who turned against the President in the House of Representatives since we have moved into the Senate trial phase at the time. Perhaps they voted based on a lack of research. I would suggest a good dose of New Digger. (Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives, 2021).
Liz Cheney - Wyoming -
Anthony Gonzalez - Ohio -
Jaime Herrera Beutler - Washington -
John Katko - New York -
Adam Kinzinger - Illinois -
Peter Meijer - Michigan -
Tom Rice - South Carolina -
Fred Upton - Michigan -
David G. Valadao - California -
Dan Newhouse - Washington -
Six Republican senators recently voted to bring the House allegations to trial for Trump (Raju & Kelly, 2021). They were all on record as being against Trump for some time, so this was anticipated. If we examine previous votes from the remaining Republican Senators, the second impeachment of Trump appears likely to be dead in the water and will end with the former President not being acquitted. I will address the Constitutionality of this charade in another article (Haberkorn, 2021). We know from research conducted by Misirlisoy (2018) that “we often judge an in-group member’s misbehavior to be just as fair as our own. We only have a greater distaste for other people’s bad behaviors when those people fall outside a social circle that we ourselves have drawn.” The Democrats share a familiar social circle and a common goal. They want to impeach Trump at all costs. This has fueled them and blinded them from their own misdeeds and inciteful actions and words in public speeches. House Democrats have gone as far as to lie by twisting the Constitution as written for their own political motivations while being complete hypocrites in the process. The optics of this entire fiasco are a bad look for the American people and our country. This is also a complete waste of taxpayer dollars.
Associated Press. (2021, January 21). Transcript of Trump’s Speech at Rally Before US Capitol Riot. U.S. News & World Report.
CNN. (2016, October 21). Biden: I wish I could take Trump behind the gym [Video]. YouTube.
CNN. (2018, March 21). Biden: I would “beat the hell” out of Trump if in high school [Video]. YouTube.
CNN. (2021, February 20). Schumer tells justices they will “pay the price” in angry rebuke [Video]. CNN POLITICS OF THE DAY (15 VIDEOS).
Fox News. (2018, July 28). Cory Booker: Get in the face of Congress members [Video]. Fox News Show Clips.
Haberkorn, J. H. (2021, February 9). Senate votes that Trump impeachment trial is constitutional. Los Angeles Times.
House Judiciary Dems. (2021, February 9). U.S. House of Representatives Files Reply to Former President Trump’s Impeachment Trial Brief. Medium.
Misirlisoy, E. M., Ph.D. (2018, September 26). The Science of Hypocrisy - Why we seem to despise hypocrites more than outright liars. Medium.
News Digger Research. (2021, January 28). To impeach, or not to impeach, that is the question. News Digger.
Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives. (2021, January 13). Roll Call 17 | Bill Number: H. Res. 24.
Raju, M. R. & Kelly, C. K. (2021, February 9). Bill Cassidy joins five other Republican senators who broke ranks to vote that Trump’s impeachment trial is constitutional. CNN.
Roland S. Martin. (2018, May 25). Rep. Maxine Waters Under Scrutiny For Urging Supporters To Confront Trump Officials [Video]. YouTube.
Smooth Media. (2021, January 9). FLASHBACK: Cory Booker - “Go To The Hill Today...Please Get Up In The Face Of Some Congress People” [Video]. YouTube.
Wall Street Journal. (2021, February 9). Trump’s Full Speech at D.C. Rally on Jan. 6 [Video]. Wall Street Journal.