In today's dig, we examine Covid Vaccinations as a personal choice.

Whenever the Federal government interferes with your life, you take another step closer to tyranny. If this virus were as deadly as the media and politicians made it out to be for the last year with their hype and inflated statistics, you would not need to record a speech on national television threatening and begging people to get vaccinated (all in the same breath).
American people would get the shot immediately if chances of survivability were dire. To date, over 500K people died. That's a staggering and terrible figure, but this does not change the fact that Flu vaccines and Covid vaccines are a personal choice. They are not a mandatory requirement. I would never tell someone to get the shot or not get the shot. If you want to get the shot, I say go for it because you are more comfortable. I don't judge people who get the shot for their own protection, but I also don't judge people who do not get it. I personally had Covid-19 already. I tested positive, and I was sick for about 10-14 days. I lost my taste. It was a rough flu at best. I now know exactly how my body responds to Covid-19. It responded properly and fought it off as designed. I don't feel that I need to take a vaccine as my immune system proved to handle it without ever needing to meet with any doctors. I tested positive. I was sick. I took care of myself. I got better—the end. If you don't know how your body will respond and are in a high-risk group, it probably makes sense to consider getting a vaccination. Based on my experience, there is no need for me to get a vaccination, so that is my personal decision. It is certainly not a political one because I have never taken any seasonal flu shots before either.
COVID-19 vaccination works by teaching your immune system how to recognize and fight the virus that causes COVID-19, which protects you from getting sick with COVID-19.
I didn't ask anyone else to get the shot to protect me. I don't ask anyone else to go out and buy a gun to protect me. These are decisions that others make to protect themselves. I'll be me. You are you. There is no question that COVID-19 vaccinations have the ability to protect you. "COVID-19 vaccination works by teaching your immune system how to recognize and fight the virus that causes COVID-19, which protects you from getting sick with COVID-19 (CDC, 2021)"
The last group of dumb-dumbs that should be telling anyone what they should or should not be doing with their own body is any politician within the Federal Government. Guidance is fine, but trying to force people via policy and restriction or politically bullying is ridiculous and against personal freedom. Get the shot because you want it and not because of what President Joseph R. Biden or any other politician in Washington, D.C. tells you or threatens you with in terms of what you can or cannot do with or without a vaccine. Many B-players and rookies are running this country right now through policy. They don't follow proven science and ignore their own rules most of the time (Santucci, 2020)
There are many issues today that people have polarizing opinions on, and debates are often tools to help us make up our minds. But in realms where there is a scientific answer out there, debates will never help us decide; they will only reinforce whatever bias we have going into them
Politicians are the people who will often tell you that it's not up for scientific debate, and the science is conclusive while presenting ZERO data to substantiate those claims. "There are many issues today that people have polarizing opinions on, and debates are often tools to help us make up our minds. But in realms where there is a scientific answer out there, debates will never help us decide; they will only reinforce whatever bias we have going into them (Siegel, 2020)."

Graphic 1 (Center for Disease Control (CDC), 2021b)
There is nothing scientific about rhetoric. It's just rhetoric with no substance. The reality is that since changes to testing via tuning have been implemented around the time that President Biden took office, the Covid-19 positive case numbers and deaths are cratering across the United States (See Graphic 1). Covid-19 vaccinations should be as optional as seasonal Flu vaccinations have been for years and years. It's a bad type/form of Flu. If the Federal Government wants to mandate vaccine cards and only allow people who have been vaccinated to do certain things, that is tyranny. The people must oppose and fight tyranny at all costs.
Center for Disease Control (CDC). (2021, March 11). Myths and Facts about COVID-19 Vaccines.
Center for Disease Control (CDC). (2021b, March 13). COVID-19 Weekly Cases and Deaths per 100,000 Population by Age, Race/Ethnicity, and Sex [Graph]. Center for Disease Control (CDC).
CNBC Television. (2021, March 11). WATCH LIVE: Biden addresses nation on one-year anniversary of Covid-19 shutdowns — 3/11/2021 [Video]. YouTube.
Santucci, J. S. (2020, September 3). What we know about Nancy Pelosi’s visit to the San Francisco hair salon she accused of a “setup.” USA Today.
Siegel, E. S. (2020, April 28). Only Evidence, Not Well-Crafted Arguments, Can Settle Scientific Debates. Forbes.