If you see people posting how Republicans are White Supremacists online it's very easy to school them, debunk them, and de-fang them of this repugnant behavior using historical facts.

Remember all of the efforts by FDR and the racist Democrats to block anti-lynching laws? To deprive blacks of civil rights and to prevent them from getting benefits from the New Deal (Dinesh D’Souza, 2021). How about the Democratic racists who used a filibuster to try and block and undo the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Take a look at James Eastland, Democrat of Mississippi. Was that not attacking Democracy?
"Chaired by civil rights opponent James Eastland (Democrat) of Mississippi, that committee had become a graveyard for civil rights legislation (United States Senate, 2021)."
You know that thing that Joe Biden keeps calling Jim Crow, that Democrats used to keep Jim Crow laws in place. Remember when a Republican Lawyer fought to overturn the Separate Box Car Act? That was the act requiring that blacks and whites must ride in separate train cars. It's ok if you don't remember because history does remember all of these things. It's all well documented. A party that seemingly wishes to make RACISM its top priority led the charge throughout history in making racism happen and tried to keep it in place as long as it could. The irony of this is not lost on me when idiots go on Facebook and distort reality calling Republicans the party of White Supremacy.
Joe Biden and the jerk on Facebook that posted how Republicans are all racist this morning on my Facebook page should probably read a history book. January 6th was the worst attack on Democracy since the Civil war? Only a man with a vacant brain could muster up a bedtime story of that magnitude. Thousands of causalities on 9/11. Worse than Pearl Harbor? A direct attack on the United States, which pulled our entire country into a World War and killed thousands and thousands of Americans. Ludicrous! I'm sorry, my Democrat friends. You know I love you all, but you live in a bubble if you believe this hogwash. Some of you need to learn more history about your own party before you go online calling all Republicans Nazis.
It's disappointing but not surprising that the President of the United States continuing to distort the facts of January 6th. Here are some facts for debunking the malarky. There has not been a single person presented with either a sedition or treason charge. This entire thing is a huge distortion of facts with show trials for trespassing—no gun charges. No guns were confiscated. The only charges applied to date have been trespassing. The only person killed was a white Trump supporter, shot by a black Capitol Police officer (not that color even matters). All of the other deaths were due to other causes. The entire Officer Sicknick situation was fabricated by the New York times using unnamed sources. First, he was hit by a fire extinguisher. Then, he was sprayed with a fire extinguisher. Then, he was sprayed with bear spray and had an allergic reaction. Now we find out it was only pepper spray (Gibson & Pagones, 2021). A misdemeanor charge. He died from a stroke long after the event took place.
If you are expecting Unity by spreading these types of lies online, it is NEVER going to happen.
Dinesh D’Souza. (2021, April 28). Here’s Why Biden’s Claim is a Distortion of History and of the Facts [Video]. Rumble. https://rumble.com/vg8lyn-heres-why-bidens-claim-is-a-distortion-of-history-and-of-the-facts.html
Gibson & Pagones, J. G. S. P. (2021, April 27). Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick case: Attackers used pepper spray in assault, prosecutors say. Fox News. https://www.foxnews.com/us/men-charged-assault-capitol-police-officer-brian-sicknick-pepper-spray
United States Senate. (2021, April 28). Civil Rights Act of 1964. https://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/civil_rights/civil_rights.htm#civil_rights_Copy=filibuster