In today's thought-shard, we are taking a break from politics and having some fun. We decided to tackle a real problem facing America today. Annoying online gamers. We enjoy online gaming here at News Digger. Perhaps a little too much sometimes. We have defined some nicknames for the repeat offenders we often encounter online. Please try not to be one of these people EVER!

Disclaimer: News Digger Research did not use any scientific testing, APA cited research, opinion polls, or surveys to determine each player's nickname. Some players can be a combination of more than one of these, making them even more despicable.
Player of One - This player hears where their entire team is going. But then, they chart their own path in a different direction entirely.
Chumpian - Everyone else is cheating, but this player likely sucks. Loud Silence - The player with no microphone.
Grim Weeper - Player who blames you for his death. Bronchu Lesner - Player who sounds like he needs to take some medicine.
Bong Show - The player who rips a hit off the bong and coughs.
Popcorn Shrimp - A young squeaker child that you probably should not be playing with at your age.
Rumble Strip - They player with the street noises such as motorcycles, trucks, and sirens.
Private Parts - The military-style call-out player has clearly never been in the military and probably never will.
Queenie for Weenies - Girl game surrounded by dork guys who probably think she is Princess Leia in her slave outfit. Really guys?
Kennel Ken - Dogs barking the whole time in the background in this player's microphone.
Hotline Blinger - Player, talking to other people on the phone and doesn't seem to mind letting you in on the conversation over their headset microphone.
Buzzard - Buzzing/humming headset player.
Suck to Blow - Player with oscillating fan/air conditioner or laundry machine in the background.
Wangster - Player who talks like they are a street gangster.
Daddy Daycare - Guy player with screaming kids in the background.
Music Tuna - Player with music playing through their headset. The sound qualify is horrible, and you definitely do not like the music they are playing.
Lost in Translation - The player who joins your group with a microphone. You get excited for about one microsecond until you learn that this added player does not speak English.
Matt - Does not support your team and is often off galavanting for loot and unlocks while you are trying to take on an entire enemy squad by yourself.
If you have some additions, please send them to, and we will happy to consider adding them.